The Woodland Year

JanuaryPlants: cuckoo pint leaves, some early lesser celandine flowers
FebruaryPlants: hazel catkins are starting to open, naturalised snowdrops, winter aconite (non-native)
MarchPlants: primrose, lesser celandine,  wood anemone, town hall clock (a.k.a. moschatel),  pale wood violet, sweet violet, green dog’s mercury flowers, wood anemone, wood sorrel, stinking hellebore, wood spurge, ground ivy, first ramsons leaves, wild daffodil
AprilPlants: lesser celandine, wood anemone, town hall clock (a.k.a. moschatel),  pale wood violet, sweet violet, green dog’s mercury flowers, wood anemone, wood sorrel, stinking hellebore, wood spurge, ground ivy, ramsons, wild daffodil, bluebell, early purple orchid, cuckoo pint flowers, wild strawberry, sweet woodruff
MayPlants: lesser celandine,  wood anemone, town hall clock (a.k.a. moschatel),  pale wood violet, sweet violet, green dog’s mercury flowers, ground ivy, wood anemone, wood sorrel, stinking hellebore, wood spurge, ramsons, early purple orchid, herb paris, toothwort, wild strawberry, sweet woodruff
JunePlants: early purple orchid, herb paris, toothwort with the species above now fading, or having faded, as the tree canopy closes over
OctoberBest time for fungal ‘fruiting’ bodies
NovemberBest time for fungal ‘fruiting’ bodies