Rare bird sightings – links to your county’s rare bird sightings website.
Bird song – advice on common bird song and access to recordings on the web.
The birding year – birding highlights throughout the year.

Movements of birds in Britain (month by month) – bird movements throughout the year in Britain.
For a fascinating insight into the migration of a selection of birds, based upon ringing and retrievals, see the EURING site: https://migrationatlas.org
Bird nesting times – nesting times and how they relate to food availability.
Coastal breeding sea birds – sea birds nesting calendar.

For a bit of old skool find try this COMPUTERBIRDING quiz – it’s very addictive.
In the world of birding sites on the web the Fat Birder is king – see their top 500 (!) recommendations at http://www.birdingtop500.com/